Archaeologist and Geophysicist
Former director of the Department "Archaeological Prospection and Aerial Archaeology"
(Bavarian State Authority for Monument Protection in Munich, Germany); since 2007
"Becker Archaeological Prospection" (Remote Sensing for Archaeology), Weilheim i.OB, Germany

Uruk (Iraq) in March 2001. Caesium-magnetometry with Scintrex Smartmag SM4G duo-sensor.
Curriculum vitae
- 26.08.1944
- born in Trautenau (former Germany, Bohemia)
- 1963-1965
- Military service in "Artillery reconnaissance"
- 1965-1971
- Study of physics and geosciences at Munich University
- 1971
- Diploma in geophysics about magnetometry in Iceland
- 1978
- Dissertation in geophysics about magnetometry over the
neo-volcanic zone in Northeast-Iceland for the evaluation
of seafloor spreading
- 1973-1979
- Second study of archaeology at Munich University, archaeological
excavations in Greece, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Spain, Bulgaria etc.
- 1977-1982
- Research project "Archaeo-Prospection and Archaeomagnetism"
of the Volkswagen Foundation at the Geophysical Institute of
Munich University Establishment of a laboratory for archaeomagnetic dating and
development of methods for geophysical prospecting in archaeology
(mainly caesium-magnetometry)
- 1982-2006
- Bavarian State Authority for Monument Protection,
establishment of a laboratory for digital processing of
aerial photos and geophysical prospection
- 1986-2006
- Director of the Department "Archaeological Prospection and Aerial Archaeology"
at the Bavarian State Authority for Monument Protection
Scientific research at the Institute of Geophysics at Munich University
Scientific member of Institute of Geophysics at Munich University
- 2001
- Member of the German Archaeological Institute
- October 2006
- Retirement from Bavarian State Authority for Monument Protection
- 2007
- Foundation of "Becker Archaeological Prospection" (Remote Sensing for
Archaeological Prospection) mainly caesium-magnetometry, working allover the "Old World" (from Portugal to China).
Projects for archaeological prospecting at many sites in Bavaria and abroad; e.g. Detection of the Lower City of Troy, Demircihüyük, Bogazköy, Sirkelihüyük (Turkey), Assur, Uruk (Iraq), Palmyra, Resafa, Munbaqa, Tall Bazi (Syria), Awsan-Hagar Yahir, Mahrib (Yemen), Ras al Jinz, Ras al Hadd (Oman), Dahshur, Giza, Saqqara, Qantir-Piramesse, Luxor (Egypt), Suchanica, Cicah, Tuva (Sibiria), Tekirbay Depe, Togolog (Turkmenistan), Sazargan, Kefir Kala (Uzbekistan), Sarasm (Tajikistan), Uivar (Romania), Durankulak (Bulgaria), Vale de Rodrigo, Monte da Ponte, Alcalar (Portugal), El Argar, Ambrona, Cerro de la Virgen, Navarra-Los Cascajos (Spain), Aiali, Ascoli Satriano, Fabrateria, Ostia, Pantelleria, Ravenna Classe, Vale Celone (Italy), Hindwell Neolithic enclosure (Wales, GB), Sigiriya, Dambula (Sri Lanka), Lothal (India) and Neolithic city of Liangzhou and Wah ze Gang – residence of Emperor Qin ze huang di (China).
(See also the list of publications in this web site).